Best Ways To Conduct Your Board Meetings Like The Pros

Best Ways To Conduct Your Board Meetings Like The Pros

A board meeting is not only a collective discussion of agenda items but a procedure for expressing shareholders’ opinions by voting.

How to Set the Framework of the Meeting Like the Pros

The board meeting is the highest governing body of a joint-stock company. The company is obliged to hold an annual general meeting of shareholders annually, within the terms established by the charter not earlier than two months and not later than six months after the end of the financial year. The principle of equal rights for an equal number of shares, provided law, is democratic, giving the right to any, including small, shareholders to participate in the management of the company.

You set the framework for the meeting, which also increases the efficiency of the meeting. Define the purpose of the meeting and inform the staff. The purpose of the meeting may be:

  • Summarizing the work for a week, month, half a year.
  • Personnel changes in the organization.
  • Changing the pricing policy.
  • Changing work with suppliers.

The purpose of the meeting should be important and general. Do not say at the meeting what can be announced through the bulletin board. The best meeting is something that can be canceled. There may be some reason why the observed correlation between innovation and productivity is weaker than the actual underlying effect that innovation has on productivity. For example, if firms with low performance begin to experience more pressure to innovate, then innovation appears to be accompanied by poor performance over a short period of time, although in the long term it can increase productivity in enterprises.

Do not talk about what is already known on board meetings – let the employees themselves tell about it. Give staff the opportunity to express their ideas and share information. When a person feels appreciated, then he has an additional incentive to meet. In practice, I often see managers repeating the same thing monotonously at every meeting. Have you ever heard this from your leadership? At the same time, you think: “God, how many times can you talk about this ?!”.

Powers of the Board Meeting of the Collective

Board meetings, in particular, may discuss issues related to:

  • with the creation of appropriate conditions for work and rest of members of the labor collective;
  • with the definition of the needs of organizational, logistical, information support of the commercial court and control over compliance with the established standards of this provision;
  • approval, at the request of the chairman of the commercial court, the rules of internal labor regulations, taking measures to ensure their observance;
  • with the state of labor discipline and the implementation of measures to strengthen it and other important issues of internal activity.

Existing international standards certainly offer a clear general framework of board meetings, but there are too few guidelines for legislators and executives to understand how the right to freedom of peaceful assembly can be practically regulated at the local and national levels. Good laws alone cannot automatically lead to practical improvements.

However, in a number of cases, even at the legislative level, it is possible to reveal the desire for the so-called command-and-control approach, which is reflected in an increase in regulation, control, and bureaucratic obstacles. For example, public demonstrations and rallies are not always viewed as routine events that are part of a pluralistic democracy. In some countries, freedom of assembly is still regulated in a way that in many cases leads to its de facto denial.